Blue Puya
Puya Bromeliaceae ailesinden bir bitki.
Arjantin, Bolivya,Şili,Kolombiya gibi Güney Amerika ülkelerinin doğal bitkisi imiş.
Ananas ile akraba olduklarını sanıyorum.
Tercüme edebilen dostlardan yardım isteyelim.
Çiçekler nefis, bir kaç farklı türü var. (Puya venusta, Puya berteroniana)
From outer space - I mean Chile - comes the amazing, rare Bromeliad, the Blue Puya. With its massive, 7 foot flower cluster,
this is one of most outrageous plants anywhere. The turquoise-blue
is very rare in the plant world, and it's even rarer to be combined with
orange. If you like shockingly beautiful plants, you'll want to add
this stunner to your
The Blue Puya (P. berteroniana)
is a terrestrial Bromeliad related to
Pineapple. The plant forms a rosette of silvery-green leaves about 3
feet long. The leaves are spiny, so move carefully around the plant.
flower stalks themselves are soft, and the flowers are silky-smooth.
These other-worldly blooms appear around May or June. It is an
unforgettable experience to
stand next to one of these massive, blue stalks. The blooms are
pollinated by birds, which love to sit on the outward-pointing tips and
drink the nectar inside!
Blue Puya has bluer flowers than my Turquoise Puya (below),
which has more of an emerald tint. They are both the same species, but
they come from different provinces in Chile. The outward tips of the
blue variety are
thicker and whiter, which makes the flowers look even bluer!
tree-dwelling Bromeliads, Puya has fully-functional roots and grows in
soil, much like a cactus or succulent. Eventually it will form a large
stand of
offshoots. Puya is hardy to zone 8b-11. Mature plants can survive
temperatures down to about 20 degrees F (-7°C) if kept relatively dry.
You can grow
it in a large pot and move it to a protected spot over the winter.
Protect it from frost the first couple of years. It enjoys sun, but
in hotter areas it
might appreciate a little afternoon shade. Be patient with Puya, as it
can take 6-8 years to reach flowering size. Your patience will pay off
when you witness the
mind-blowing colors of this incredible plant!
species is rare, and if you can find it, it's sometimes a similar species, Puya
alpestris, mislabeled as Puya berteroniana. Alpestris is a smaller plant, with shorter, less impressive clusters. This is the genuine Puya
Blue Puya Foto - Blue Puya Resimleri - Cicek Resimleri
Kar©glan Başağaçlı Raşit Tunca