The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer – İngilizce Kitap Özeti
The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer – İngilizce Kitap Özeti

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer revolves around the youthful adventures of the
novel’s schoolboy protagonist, Thomas Sawyer, whose reputation precedes
him for causing mischief and strife. Tom lives with his Aunt Polly,
half-brother Sid, and cousin Mary in the quaint town of St. Petersburg,
just off the shore of the Mississippi River. St. Petersburg is described
as a typical small-town atmosphere where the Christian faith is
predominant, the social network is close-knit, and familiarity resides.
Unlike his brother Sid, Tom receives
“lickings” from his Aunt Polly; ever the mischief-maker, would rather
play hooky than attend school and often sneaks out his bedroom window at
night to adventure with his friend, Huckleberry Finn ­ the town’s
social outcast. Tom, despite his dread of schooling, is extremely clever
and would normally get away with his pranks if Sid were not such a
As punishment for skipping school to go
swimming, Aunt Polly assigns Tom the chore of whitewashing the fence
surrounding the house. In a brilliant scheme, Tom is able to con the
neighborhood boys into completing the chore for him, managing to
convince them of the joys of whitewashing. At school, Tom is equally as
flamboyant, and attracts attention by chasing other boys, yelling, and
running around. With his usual antics, Tom attempts to catch the eye of
one girl in particular: Becky Thatcher, the Judge’s daughter. When he
first sees her, Tom immediately falls in love with Becky. After winning
her over, Tom suggests that they “get engaged.” But when Tom
accidentally blurts that he has been engaged before to Amy Lawrence, he
ruins his relationship with Becky and becomes heartbroken.
One night, Huck and Tom sneak off at
midnight to the town’s graveyard, where they are planning to carry out a
special ritual used to cure warts. Believers in superstition and
folklore, the two expect the graveyard to be full of ghosts. After
hearing voices approach them, the two boys hide in fear; the voices
belong to Injun Joe ­ the villainous savage, Muff Potter- the town
drunk, and Dr. Robinson. The three men are grave robbing! Soon, a fight
breaks out between Dr. Robinson and the two other men. As Dr. Robinson
grabs a headboard and knocks the liquored Muff Potter into
unconsciousness, Injun Joe grabs Muff’s knife and stabs the doctor to
death. The boys run away from the graveyard before they learn that Injun
Joe is planning on framing Muff for the doctor’s murder. Fearful of
Injun Joe and horrified at what they have witnessed, Huck and Tom vow to
keep silent regarding the night’s events.
The next day brings only grief for Tom.
Aunt Polly learns from Sid that Tom snuck out the night before and cries
over him. At school, Becky snubs Tom by paying no heed to his boyish
antics. Hurt and angry, Tom assembles a “gang” of pirates: himself, Joe
Harper, and Huck. The three boys decide that they have had enough of
normal society and run away to Jackson Island, in the middle of the
Mississippi River. When the boys are missing, the whole town assumes
that they have drowned in the river and villagers drag the river for
their bodies. In the darkness of the night, Tom sneaks off the island to
return home and leave a note for Aunt Polly informing her that he is
not dead. Instead, he overhears Polly and Mrs. Harper making plans for
their funerals. The boys then wait until the morning of their own
funeral, sneak back into town and attend their own funerals before
revealing to the congregation that they are alive!
At school, the boys are the envy of each
pupil; however, Tom has still not won back Becky’s heart. When Tom
inadvertently catches Becky reading the schoolmaster’s book, she jump
out of surprise and breaks it. Later that day, when the schoolmaster
questions Becky whether it was she who broke the book, Tom lies and says
that it was he who committed the act. Although he takes the punishment
for Becky, he wins back her love and attention.
After school is let out for the summer,
Muff Potter’s trial begins. The town of St. Petersburg has already
convicted the innocent man in their minds. Tom and Huck are both racked
by their guilty consciences, and are made to feel even worse when Muff
Potter thanks them for being kind to him. When the trial begins, the
defense council calls Tom Sawyer to the witness stand. To the surprise
of Huck, Muff Potter, and all those who are in the audience, Tom
divulges all he knows about the murder, naming Injun Joe as Dr.
Robinson’s killer. Before the trial ends, Injun Joe sprints out of the
courtroom before anybody can catch him.
Injun Joe is declared missing and Muff
Potter is set free with the apologies of the town. Meanwhile, Tom is
afraid that Injun Joe will attempt to seek revenge on him for being a
witness, and Huck holds similar fears. One day, Huck and Tom decide to
dig for buried treasure at the old haunted house on Cardiff Hill. As
they begin their search, the entrance of two strange men surprises the
boys. In hiding, Tom and Huck realize that one of the men is Injun Joe
in disguise as a deaf-and-dumb Spaniard. Tom and Huck watch as Injun Joe
and his accomplice discuss plans for a “revenge job.” The two villains
are planning to hide a bag of six-hundred dollars in the haunted house
and meet back there; but when they hide their bag of money, they
discover a box of buried treasure that has already been hidden in the
haunted house ­ treasure that once belonged to a gang of robbers. The
villains decide to hide their loot in “Number Two” under “the cross” and
exit the house. Obsessed with obtaining the treasure, Tom and Huck make
plans to follow Injun Joe and find out where the treasure is buried.
Becky, who has been out-of-town, returns
to St. Petersburg and holds a picnic for all of her friends. As part of
the picnic festivities, the children go exploring in MacDougal’s cave: a
large cave with secret underground passageways. Unbeknownst to the
other picnickers and adults, Tom and Becky lose themselves within the
depths of the cave.
In the meantime, Huck has resigned
himself to waiting outside the Temperance Tavern, where they suspect
Injun Joe is staying. On the brink of giving up, Huck’s patience is
rewarded when the two villain step out into the night and head off
towards the haunted house. But instead of entering the haunted house,
the villains go toward the old Widow Douglas’s house, with the intention
of torturing ­ and maybe even killing ­ her. Remembering times when the
widow bestowed her kindness upon him, Huck races toward the Mr. Jones’s
house, informing him of Injun Joe’s plans to hurt the widow. Mr. Jones
and his two younger sons hurry over to the widow’s estate and scare off
Injun Joe and his accomplice before any harm is done.
The word of Widow Douglas’s near attack
is circulated around town. But news of the missing children breaks out,
and for the moment, the entire town concentrates on praying and
searching for Tom and Becky. Deep within the cave, Tom and Becky have
lost all sense of direction. With the last of their candle burnt out and
no food to eat, the two are aware that they may starve to death. Tom
attempts to comfort Becky, and continues to explore the cave’s passages
in hoping of finding a way out. Winding down one passageway, Tom sees a
man and shouts to him; to his surprise, the figure belongs to Injun Joe!
Frightened by Tom’s shouts (and not recognizing the boy’s voice), Injun
Joe runs away. Tom never tells Becky of this incident, for fear that we
would cause her even more worries. Eventually, Tom’s persistence pays
off when he discovers a tiny hole that the children manage to crawl
through and escape peril.
With the safe return of Becky and Tom,
the town of St. Petersburg rejoices. Judge Thatcher orders that the door
to MacDougal’s cave be locked and sealed with metal. When Tom learns of
this, he tells finally tells the Judge that Injun Joe is in the cave.
Upon breaking the sealed door, Tom, the Judge, and the other citizens
find Injun Joe at the mouth of the cave, starved to death.
When he meets up with Huck, Tom informs
him that he knows where the treasure is buried. Mistaking the treasure
for lost, Huck is eager to return to MacDougal’s cave with Tom in search
of the money. After recovering the treasure from the cave, the two boys
return to town, only to be ushered into the Widow Douglas’s parlor. To
express her gratitude towards Huck for saving her life, the widow
intends on giving Huck a permanent home and providing him with an
education. Declaring that Huck is now independently wealthy, Tom spring
forward with their newfound treasure, totaling over twelve thousand
To conclude, to novel ends with Huck and Tom discussing their future plans of becoming world-class robbers.

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